
Prices are exclusive of GST

Seed Starter

For business start-ups wanting to launch their business with confidence.

Trish K Books Arrow Icon Bookkeeping

Business start-up meeting and checklist discussion (2 hours)

Trish K Books Arrow Icon Bookkeeping

Xero set-up

Trish K Books Arrow Icon Bookkeeping

Xero training

Trish K Books Arrow Icon Bookkeeping

Assistance with applicable registrations (Business name, Workcover, PAYG, FTC, GST etc)

Trish K Books Arrow Icon Bookkeeping

Phone and email support for three months

$750.00 (three monthly instalments of $250)

Take The Wheel

For businesses wanting to enjoy the control of DIY bookkeeping alongside expert support.

Trish K Books Arrow Icon Bookkeeping

Xero training including “how to” written procedures for most used Xero functions

Trish K Books Arrow Icon Bookkeeping

Understanding your profit & loss and balance sheet

Trish K Books Arrow Icon Bookkeeping

Ongoing phone/email support for “how to” queries

Note: bookkeeping corrections will be charged hourly at $65/hour

$400 once only + $125/mth

Thrive Accelerator

For businesses wanting to reclaim valuable time and gain powerful financial insights.

Trish K Books Arrow Icon Bookkeeping

Transactions and bank accounts reconciled weekly

Trish K Books Arrow Icon Bookkeeping

Monthly P&L and balance sheet reports

Trish K Books Arrow Icon Bookkeeping

Quarterly BAS and/or monthly IAS prepared and lodged

Trish K Books Arrow Icon Bookkeeping

Phone and email support up to one hour per month


Yield Optimiser

For growth-oriented business looking to actively improve their financial performance and efficiency.

Trish K Books Arrow Icon Bookkeeping

All Thrive Accelerator inclusions PLUS

Trish K Books Arrow Icon Bookkeeping

Twice yearly budget-setting + monthly tracking of budget Vs actuals

Trish K Books Arrow Icon Bookkeeping

Cash flow forecasting set-up and maintenance

Trish K Books Arrow Icon Bookkeeping

1 hour monthly zoom or face-to-face meeting to check-in


Field to Financials

For businesses requiring a complete bookkeeping solution.

Trish K Books Arrow Icon Bookkeeping

May include all features of Yield Optimiser package PLUS payroll; accounts receivable & payable; bespoke bookkeeping requirements

Why Trish K Books?

While I love the accuracy that comes with meticulous bookkeeping, my true satisfaction lies in interpreting those numbers and making them relevant to your specific agricultural business. I take the time to understand your unique operation and work collaboratively to ensure you grasp the financial story your numbers tell.

Empowered by cloud accounting software, I offer flexible and remote bookkeeping services, ensuring you have access to my expertise anytime, anywhere. The most rewarding part? Witnessing the relief wash over clients as I help them navigate the complexities of bookkeeping and gain a clear understanding of their financial health.

20+ Years Experience

Registered BAS Agent
xero-silver-partner cert-advisor-badges-RGB
Xero Certified Advisor
& Silver Partner